A Somalian arrives in Berlin, Germany as an immigrant. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says: “Thank you Mr. Germany for letting me in this country, giving me housing, money for food, free medical care, free education and no taxes!” The passer by says: “You are mistaken, I am Afghan!” The man goes on and encounters another passer by: “Thank you for having such beautiful country here in Germany!” The person says: “I not German, I am Iraqi!” The new arrival walks further and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says: “Thank you for the wonderful Germany!” 'That person puts up his hand and says: “I am from Pakistan, I am not from Germany!” He finally sees a nice lady and asks: “Are you a German?” She says: “'No, I am from India!” Puzzled, he asks her: “Where are all the Germans?” The Indian lady checks her watch and says: “Probably at work.”
This is a joke of course but reflects the strange situation that European countries cross nowadays with immigrants. This happen thanks wrong policies from some governments and human rights activists with their stupid ideology to protect some categories of immigrants against they considered “dangerous situations”. I’ve been watching with apprehension some cases happening in UK involving hate clerics and their hate speech against the country they lives, get benefits… I don’t understand. I use to live in Britain for a couple of years and had no nothing, no any right except study and work part time under the pressure of Home Office to get back home in any mistake behavior.
Recently I read on The Sun’s paper about an overjoyed Lithuanian immigrant, Natalija Belova, at an article released on 20th January 2013, and it do not took me by surprise when she spoke out loud about her life in UK. She thanked the government to gets £14,500k benefits a year so, she refuses full time job. Simply like that. With this money all together with a part time one, she can afford foreign holidays, buy designer clothes for her and daughter. Not too bad till why, she lives a luxury life including Spanish sun and nightclubbing thanks the strange UK’s system.
She says: “I have a lovely, fully-furnished flat and money to live properly on. There’s no chance we’re leaving Britsh benefits give me and my daughter a good life”, and moaned: “I think they should help pay for private nannies, rather than just free nursery”. Oh my Gosh!
The Sun paper gave the example: her handouts total £279 a week with housing benefit contributing £183, child tax credit adding £56, child benefit £20 and her council tax being paid to the tune of £20. She also rakes in £125-a-week from a job she has on the side perfectly legally so she added: “I don’t care what anyone thinks. I’m not doing anything wrong or going to work like a dog on minimum wage”. Unbelievable!
I’m pretty sure she’s not doing anything wrong, wrong is the people who pay high taxes to keep these policies. For some categories of immigrants (like me when lived there cause I’m from Brazil, South America, third world in their vision, not mine), I live with a police under my feet, studying 4 hours a day, working hard to keep myself, paying rent, electricity, water, gas, ticket, food… But I’m thanks UK anyway to help me to improve my English, and till today, I’m keep studying via net. I just cannot agree with things I’ve see daily not just in UK but in many countries. I wanna see hate clerics boot out, immigrants working hard like I use to do, studying, producing, paying bills, taxes, this is fair.
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